-[ So everyone was putting together their own puzzles, but no one had all the pieces included in their sets. So the game boiled down to who could complete their puzzle the most before they had run out of the available pieces, and eventually, that became the only thing keeping us a step ahead of the law. Guardian was keeping Eliza chained up while he sent others looking around for the other two suspects on Holiday and Arcnote’s list.
Speaking of their list, I was the only one they knew was on it for sure, so my goal became staying out of their reach for as long as I could. I’d like to say it was easy, but in all honesty, it only made me more paranoid. Regardless, the plan remained on. Both the precinct and the Pipeline were coming after me, and by this point, I’m sure the cops would have heard about that through the grapevine. The next few weeks played out with as slow of a pace as one could imagine. Just a lot of traveling by foot, sticking to the shadows and making sure to avoid being noticed. Of course, that’s when things began to take a turn behind the scenes. Guardian’s handy men were making progress with finding out the other suspects until Arcnote began playing catch up. Leave it to a few fishermen hanging off the coast to give her the break she had been looking for. ]- “Detective” Holiday calls out, his head and left hand peering over the edge of Arcnote’s doorframe. “What is it, Holiday?” Arcnote asks, the man’s smirk giving her a rush of excitement. “So they just caught the back axel?” Arcnote calls, her coat nearly dragging against the early winter ground as she tightens the gloves over her hands. “Lucky break” Holiday replies, “the license plate was removed, but the interior matches to a tee.” “Matches what?” Arcnote asks, taking Holiday’s phone as he extends it towards her with a picture already loaded onto the screen. “Well that’s interesting” Arcnote replies, her tone taking that of someone mostly convinced, but knowing enough to reside at least a small amount of doubt in her mind. “His car, his city, his crime, him in the photo” Holiday pieces together, “everything connects back to Josh Lane, and the car is just the rope to tie the ends together.” “Let’s just keep ourselves from getting tunnel vision and answer a few questions first” Arcnote replies, her hands held out to visualize her hope for the enticement to cool off. “Why is he on this ‘kill list’?” Arcnote asks, Holiday’s quick response of a marker to throw investigators off serving as a reasonable conclusion to come to. “Why would Becca come forward?” Arcnote furthers, a response from Holiday coming slightly late in comparison to his response prior. “I’ve yet to piece that together in full, but I’d assume he wronged her in such a way that perhaps convinced her to turn in the truth” Holiday replies, leaving Arcnote less than convinced. “Obtain a search warrant for Mr. Lane’s home and keep tracking him down” Arcnote orders, “and for god’s sake, come up with something better than ‘he was an asshole to his fling’.” With a nod, Holiday walks off, leaving Arcnote to watch the car ascend from the cold Hudson waters, it’s back wheels being the first to touch ground. “Bring this into evidence” Arcnote commands, “I want every inch of this car searched for anything worth looking at.” Walking from the vehicle, Arcnote retrieves her phone from it’s place on her belt and dials a number disassociated with the precinct. “Hi, it’s Hayden” the woman greets, a smile on her face at the sound of the voice on the other end. “Care to meet for lunch?” Arcnote asks, a response of ‘great’ coming from her lips as she returns to her cruiser and prepares to make the trip. = Joshua Lane is created by Zachary Serra, all rights to the series belong to Zachary Serra and the entity of Pacer1 Media from the start of Season 1 onwards = Answering his phone, Josh greets the guardian, turning off the sidewalk and up to the front doors of a private high school. Buzzing for entry, Josh pulls the doors open and approaches the secretary’s station, handing her an envelope and going on his way as he has countless times before. “We’re close” Josh responds to the other line, “in fishing terms, the bobber keeps poking beneath the water, all I have to do is reel it in close enough to get my hands on it.” “Let’s not mince words” the Guardian replies, instructing Josh closely to lay out everything with pinpoint accuracy. “I’ll leave nothing out” Josh replies, hanging up and returning the phone to his pocket as he enters just one of the many classrooms. “I trust you have what I’m looking for?” the voice of a man with his back turned to Josh asks, his eyes wandering on the sights outside as the mid-day sun begins its early setting time. From his blazer slot, Josh pulls a selection of photos and leaves them sprawled across the teacher’s desk. From his opposite coat pocket, Josh removes a document pertaining to something going against the figure’s best interests. “It’s just as I said” Josh returns, “you take care of this for me, and I’ll take care of this for you.” Laying the paper on the table beside the photos, Josh returns his hands together beneath his abdomen. “Are we in agreement?” Josh asks, the man’s back dressed in black, only visible through the dark orange glow of the setting sky reflecting off what it can reach. Swallowing his breath, the figure slowly turns towards Josh, half of his face illuminated by the light outside as his breath visibly runs through the air. “You’re aware of what this means for both of us, correct?” the figure asks, his own hands tucked much like Josh’s, only his remain behind his back, rather than in front of him. “I know what this means for me” Josh replies, “you’ve yet to tell me anything about yourself.” His lips pairing together, the man nods slightly and returns the rest of his face towards Josh, the previously unseen side appearing heavily scarred by a horrible facial burn stretching from jaw to forehead. Caught by surprise, Josh’s breathing goes thin and his chin raises a few inches, watching each movement from the man in preparation for events going south. “You can call me half…. For obvious reasons” the man replies, his approach slowly bringing him to the opposite side of Joshua’s table. “Would you like to guess how I got these?” Half asks, his single hand pointing a single finger, the tip running down the ripples in his malformed skin. “I really wouldn’t” Josh replies, an empty smile appearing on Half’s face as his remaining fingers extend, running over the skin as if it were fabric. “I attempted this trade once” Half replies, his eyes looking at the document, resting on the tabletop for the taking. “I would have thought I’d have earned that by now” Half continues, Josh’s hands remaining unmoved as Half eyes the documents, looking at them with a sinister lust. “It appeared that I was wrong” Half replies, “because I didn’t just get screwed over by your boss… But I got burned by my own.” His chin remaining still, Josh watches Half inch his hands closer to the paper, his eyes continuing to keep on Josh, watching to see how long it would be before Josh decided enough. “Not gonna stop me?” Half asks, his smile beginning to sport an intrigue it lacked before, Josh’s hands remaining still and unchanged as a third voice declares that they will do no such thing. Quickly turning around to spot a masked figure entering the room, Half watches the Guardian cautiously enter the room. “You try to leave the room with them, however” The Guardian continues, Josh pulling a blade from his coat as the figure in the back of the room pauses, “that’s when that changes a bit.” With a stare shared between both directions, Half removes his hands from the document and lifts them into the air as a show of surrender. “Here to screw me over again, old friend?” Half asks, no longer sharing the stare, instead focusing it on the familiar foe across the room. “You screwed yourself over” Guardian replies, his hand resting on his revolver as he slowly closes the distance between himself and Half, “leave it up to a man calling himself ‘half’ to do a half-assed job.” With a grin, Half extends his arms, leaving them out as a sign of refusing to reach for anything beneath his coat. “I clearly didn’t come from the Pipeline’s era of forgiveness like you” Half replies, the allegation immediately lifting questions into Josh’s head as he watches the scene play out. “You had me on a suicide mission” Half continues, “pardon me for settling for a face of hot iron over being burned alive when things got heated.” “I promised you amnesty” Guardian replies, Half’s eyes bolting open as his face grows sour. “No, you promised me a quick death” Half replies, “I chose to live to fight another day, you just wanted to get rid of me so you didn’t have to go through on your word.” His head shaking, the Guardian makes an attempt to refute the claims, only for a concerned voice to begin asking questions behind him. “What is he talking about?” Josh asks, the Guardian keeping his back turned to his counterpart as Half begins to realize the difference in shared information between the pair. “You haven’t told him? Half asks, looking towards the Guardian, who keeps his eyes placed on a newly amused Half. “Josh, we can discuss this later” the man dressed from head to toe in a plague-like bird mask replies, Half no longer circling the room, instead staring directly at the man behind the desk. Without further hesitation, Josh pulls his gun from his coat and takes aim at the Guardian, demanding answers to his question. “That a boy” Half replies, encouraged by Josh’s ability to make such a quick decision. “Take aim at the guy before he can take aim at you” Half continues, encouraging the behavior, even taking one of the student’s seats to watch this all unfold. “Josh, what are you doing?” Guardian asks, watching the man return the documents and photos with his free hand to their coverage within his coat. “I’m trying to figure out exactly what my part in all of this is” Josh replies, his gun lifting towards the Guardian’s head. “I’ve told you what your part in this is, Josh” the Guardian returns, “if you’re seriously buying into this guy’s bullshit this easily, perhaps I was wrong about you.” “He’s only saying the same stuff I’ve been thinking to myself” Josh replies, “and if he and I are sharing thoughts, that only means you’re down a peg or two.” His gun still aimed at Half, the Guardian concedes, lowering it to his side and returning it to his coat. “Half, you need to leave” Guardian returns, lifting his hands into the air as Half removes himself from the seat. “Keep in touch” Josh says, Half enthusiastically implying that he’ll be more than happy to do so. Climbing through the window he had left open previously, Half escapes into the setting sun as Josh directs the Guardian to the seat Half had just finished occupying. “What is he talking about?” Josh asks, the gun still suspended in air, “and don’t feed me nonsense, tell me exactly what he meant.” With a deep breath, the Guardian tells Josh that he’s getting too far ahead of himself. “We’re doing business with him because of the secrets he keeps” the Guardian continues, “why wouldn’t he look for every opportunity he can to get his name cleaned up from this dirt?” His lip still bit, Josh takes a seat opposite the Guardian, telling him to clarify the truth and falsehoods in Half’s statements, keeping the weapon aimed between Guardian’s eyes. His pride swallowed, the Guardian looks to Josh and admits to part of Half’s claims being somewhat made in truth. “Yes, I refused to give him thee documents the first time around” the Guardian acknowledges, “but he did half of what he was told to do, so I voided the deal.” Gun still aimed at Guardian, Josh instructs him to keep going, wanting as much clarity between truth and fiction as can be offered. “The quick death was how he chose to look at it” Guardian continues, “he figured he’d be as good as dead once the Pipeline realized he had betrayed their trust.” “So that’s on him?” Josh asks, accepting Guardian’s explanation of events before asking a follow-up. “What about the Pipeline?” the armed mercenary asks, Guardian’s eyes lowering from within the mask, “he said you were a part of it at one point. Is that true, too?” His voice growing less authoritative, now taking on a newly disappointed rasp, Guardian admits to his past involvement. “Before it became what it is now, yes” Guardian replies, “the second things started taking a turn towards what it is now, I got out.” Hesitant to take the Guardian’s word for it on face value alone, Josh asks why his goal remains to take it down. “I know the people that control it, and I know what lengths they’d go for the littlest amounts of power” Guardian replies, “that’s dangerous just in general, but it’s a whole new animal to tame when they have the power they do.” “The lengths they’d go for the littlest amounts of power?” Josh reiterates, an aura of tension building in his gaze, “you mean like cultivating a group of killers to do your dirty work?” Victim to the irony at play, Guardian assures Josh that he’s a man of his word as long as what is asked of the individual in question is performed. “Do what needs to be done and I’ll stand by my word” Guardian retorts, “but leave the job unfinished, and the reward remains unpaid.” Standing from his desk with the gun still unwavering in air, Josh walks to the Guardian and places the gun to the side of his mask, making sure the man beneath cover hears him clearly. “I couldn’t care less what happens to me at the end of this” Josh begins, watching the mask turn its front towards his face, “but I’ll do whatever I have to do to make sure Eliza gets to walk away from this at the end.” “Do you understand me?” Josh asks, watching the Guardian stare him without movement. Suddenly, the man beneath his cloak swipes his hands through the air, quickly disarming Josh and holding his own gun between his eyes. Outclassed, Josh surrenders to the new position, lifting his hands, spreading his fingers apart on both sides of his head. Without second thought, Guardian quickly disassembles the weapon and scatters the pieces amongst the front desk. “I’ve already told you what your role in this is, Josh” Guardian replies, approaching the man and standing before him, his height towering. “Do what I need you to, and the both of you can run off sniffing roses wherever you please” Guardian concludes, vanishing through the classroom entrance and leaving Josh in the arctic-like frost of the New York winter. | “Get the door!” Holland shouts, a drained and depressed Becca doing as told as she marches from her bedroom to the front door. “Where not looking for-” Becca begins, silenced by the sight of the individuals she answers the door to. “Ms Havish, I’m detective Hayden Arcnote. We spoke a few weeks ago?” the woman replies, introducing her partner and asking for a moment of her time. Glancing back, Becca watches Holland wave his hand across his throat, giving Becca the signal to decline the request. “I’m afraid the question was merely formality” Arcnote replies, being the first to step through the doorway, putting a frown on Holland’s face as she walks in. Introducing herself, Arcnote holds her hand out and approaches Holland, who folds his arms and informs her that he’s more than already aware of her name and occupation. “Ain’t you the keeper?” Arcnote quips, not caring one bit at the insulted expression sported by the man, instead taking a seat opposite him. “I assume you haven’t spoken to Mr. Lane recently, have you?” Arcnote asks, her eyes looking towards Becca as she asks the question, only for it to be answered by Holland on her behalf. “Still in the dark like she was a few weeks back” Holland replies, noticing the immediate dislike taken to him by the woman on the opposite sofa. “I’m sure she can respond for herself” Arcnote replies, her stare towards Holland holding enough malice to make her meaning clear enough for the most clueless to understand. “I’d rather she didn’t” Holland replies, his smug face giving Arcnote the desire to take a shower. “Unfortunately for you, I don’t give a shit what you’d rather she do or not do” Arcnote replies, watching the man’s face sink into unrivaled disdain. “Your in my house, so you definitely fucking do” Holland returns, Arcnote’s grin acting as the perfect flip side to Holland’s own frown. “The name on the lease to this house is under her name” Arcnote replies, “so unless you can show me a piece of mail that says otherwise, you don’t own shit here… So I’d keep your fucking mouth shut before I put you in cuffs.” His fuse short, Holland leaps to his feet and walks over to Arcnote, towering over her as she stands to meet him. “You’ve got no authority to do so” Holland replies, watching Arcnote quickly shoot back with the reminder that he’s currently impeding in an active investigation. “If I wanna drag your ass down every block from here to the station by the ankles, you can bet there’ll be no one to stop me” Arcnote replies, insisting he retire to another section of the room, or face legal action. Refusing to back down to authority, Holland spits in the face of Arcnote, the air from his lungs blowing her hair back as Holiday begins to march towards him. “Back off!” Holland shouts, pulling a pistol from beneath the couch cushions and taking aim at Holiday, demanding he play his cards right. Confidently, Arcnote pulls the gun down and lifts her knee up, bending Holland’s arm the opposite way and breaking it cleanly in two. The trigger being pulled instinctively, Holland fires a single round into the carpet as Arcnote slams him front-first into the ground. “My arm you bitch!” Holland shouts, spit running down his lips as Arcnote cuffs him, reading his rights as the initial wad of spit still remains on her nose. “Take him to the station and get me a crew here” Arcnote orders, looking to Becca, whose eyes contain more life in this one moment than they have in nearly three months. “He your boyfriend?” Arcnote asks, the woman rushing from behind the couch and wrapping her arms around her captive’s capturer. “Thank you” Becca mutters, Arcnote telling Holiday to get a trauma specialist in as well as she returns the embrace. “We can talk about it in a bit, alright?” Arcnote asks, Becca nodding as the woman begins to realize the complexity of what she went in believing to be an open and shut case. | “You in there?” Josh calls, his fist continuing to thud against the motel door as he awaits a response from the opposite end. “I can hear you thudding around, can you let me in?” Josh calls out again, the door thin enough for the sigh on the other end to give him a laugh. “Do you just not know how to take a hint?” Eliza asks, pulling the door open and allowing Josh entry. “I’m a multi-millionaire” Josh replies, “I’m not given hints very often.” Returning to the interior, the walls containing the sights of a woman having failed to leave the space in over a month, Eliza takes an already sunken seat on the couch as Josh leans against the wall. “You seem like you’re settling in pretty well” Josh remarks, the woman looking at him with a familiar stare, giving him the signal to call it quits on the jokes before she returns the favor. “Why are you here?” Eliza asks, her arms clutching at a pillow as her sights direct themselves to a black and white movie, subtitles translating the original language of french as the television remains muted. Taking a seat, Josh asks the girl why she took on the responsibility of getting into the Pipeline ahead of schedule. “What else is there to do?” Eliza asks, seemingly blaming the lack of immediate progress on the reason behind her decision. “Wait until the moment showed up?” Josh replies, his answer sounding more like a question, prompting the woman to roll her eyes. “That’s really easy for you to say” Eliza replies, only adding onto Josh’s puzzlement. “You live for this kind of shit, this is your way of life” Eliza replies, her back arching as she leans closer in Josh’s direction, “I hate everything that I am right now, and if I don’t have something to do to take my mind off it, I start losing it.” “So you just go running in, guns blazing, no chance of making it out alive?” Josh asks, Eliza’s eyes immediately widening as her smile encompasses her face. “Josh, I don’t want to live as long as this is the person I see in the mirror” Eliza replies, her refusal to accept Josh’s work as anything similar to her own driving her to the brink of mental breakdown. “You tell me to go somewhere, at least I have that end point in mind to distract me” Eliza continues, “you leave me to sit somewhere and wait things out, I’m just letting it fester.” Wondrous as to what changed, Josh asks Eliza exactly when her mind took this path. “How can you be so fucking dumb? It’s been this way since the start!” Eliza shouts, her adrenaline beginning to pump, “I accepted what you do, that doesn’t make it okay for me to do the same!” Her pillow put beside her, Eliza gets up from her trench in the seat and walks into the kitchen, retrieving a firearm and placing it on the table between the two. “The only reason I haven’t used it is because I’m hoping I’ll be let out of here eventually” Eliza replies, Josh’s worry beginning to build at an increased rate, “the second he clears me of whatever I owe him, this is the ticket I’m punching.” Slowly pushing himself up, Josh holds his hands out to Eliza, the woman backing away at first until she allows herself to give into whatever happens in the moment. “Please don’t do that” Josh replies, his request immediately falling on ears that had become deaf to that request long ago. “The only reason I’m still fighting is because there’s a chance I can do some good before I go” Eliza replies, “but I can’t sleep anymore without thinking about my hands being covered in blood.” Biting her lip to keep it from continuously quivering, Eliza tells Josh that the good of the work they currently share doesn’t make up for the memory of the lives they’ve taken. “I came to this city to file paper and make phone calls” Eliza continues, her eyes filling with tears yet to run, “not to torture people and be okay with it.” Understanding that there could be a point in time where she could accept it, Eliza admits that she wants nothing to do with when that day comes. “You said vigilantes are subject to debates about whether what they do is good or bad” Eliza recalls, looking the man in the eyes and pressing her hands to his face, “I don’t want to be the subject for that kind of debate.” His words having run out, Josh steadies his head and pulls Eliza’s head in close, giving it a peck on the forehead before leaving the flat, coming to the conclusion that no response was the most appropriate response. | “She doesn’t wanna talk” Arcnote says, leaving the interrogation room Becca remains in, plastic cup of water in her trembling hands as Holiday meets her behind the two-way mirror. “Can you blame her?” Holiday asks, glancing at the woman as her eyes glue themselves to the rippling waves held within the confinement of her cup. “Who the hell knows what that freak did to her” Holiday mutters, his eyes turning angered when he stares towards the Holland-occupying second room. “What have we gotten out of him?” Arcnote asks, Holiday suggesting the same amount as the still-silent Becca. “He wanted his lawyer, didn’t say a word after that” Holiday adds in, the information being vocalized just as Holland’s lawyer steps into the corridor. “I’m here for Mr. Breckenridge” the elder says, pointed towards the room by Arcnote, who informs them that they will return to them shortly. “Is the print scanner up and running yet?” Arcnote asks, Holiday informing her that they’re just getting through the individuals still waiting for their rundowns. “I wanna get another shot at her” Arcnote says, pulling her folder up to her side and leading Holiday into Becca’s room. The door opening startling the distressed woman, Arcnote holds her hand out and gently greets Becca, asking if she’s ready to talk yet. With a missable nod, Becca allows the officers to take their seats opposite her, asking how she knows Holland before anything else. Only able to mutter the word ‘he’ three times before tears begin running again, Becca feels her nerves calmed when Arcnote places her hand over her own. “It’s alright to tell us” Arcnote says, “we’re not going to let him anywhere near you ever again if that’s what you’d like.” With another nod, Becca says all that Arcnote needs to describe the relationship between the two. “He found me after work a few months ago, as I was leaving” Becca begins, her words going faint as she proceeds to recall the following months. “He told me I’d be fine if I just got him what he wanted” Becca proceeds, her motions becoming impossible to hold back any longer, as the sobs begin, leaving Arcnote enamored with the conclusion to it. “What did he want, honey?” Arcnote asks, her thumb gliding over Becca’s hand as the tears run away from her lower eyelids. “He wanted Joshua Lane” Becca replies, leaving Holiday and Arcnote immediately curious to the reason. “Why did he want Joshua?” Holiday asks, watching the woman shake her head and try desperately to get a grip on her emotions. “Because he’s part of this… this group” Becca proceeds, immediately astonished when Holiday mentions the Pipeline by name. “Is Joshua Lane on the Pipeline’s kill list?” Holiday asks, Becca’s lip quivering again as she silently nods in agreement. “Why does the Pipeline want Joshua Lane?” Arcnote asks, beginning to fear that there are now multiple suspects for multiple crimes at hand, and they are only beginning to scratch the surface. “Is Joshua Lane part of the Pipeline?” Holiday asks, Arcnote’s curiosity being matched by Holiday’s failure to follow along. “No” Becca replies, pulling her hair behind her ears, “because Josh is killing them all off.” Her eyes widening, Arcnote looks to Holiday, watching his face turn as he begins to get back on track. “This is what Holland told you?” Arcnote asks, watching the woman shake her head in partial declination. “He didn’t tell me it, he confirmed it when I asked him” Becca replies. Asking who told her, Arcnote watches Becca grow confused, her tired eyes dashing across the tabletop. “He went by some weird name” Becca replies, going over jumbled words until she begins piecing together something that sounds close enough. “He said he couldn’t give me a name” Becca replies, “I just remember him telling me to call him something weird.” “Can you think of what it was?” Holiday asks, hoping this alternative name could lead them down clearing one of the many holes in the investigation. “I don’t really remember” Becca replies, “it was something like my guardian angel.” Convinced there’s little more to go off, Arcnote asks exactly who it was this figure said Josh had killed. “This rich guy, he was one of the Pipeline’s shot-callers” Becca replies, uttering an all-too familiar name to Holiday. “Warren Duane” Becca returns, Holiday’s face immediately growing suspicious. “Ms. Havish, former Lieutenant Eric Devine was already posthumously indicted of that crime” Holiday replies, watching Becca confidently shake her head in refusal. “No, Devine was in the Pipeline, too” Becca continues, peaking Holiday’s interest, sharing information still having yet to be released to the public. “Devine was investigating Josh because he pieced him to the murder and wanted to take care of the issue before it got out of hand” Becca continues, her explanation bringing Arcnote and Holiday into immediate concern. “Eventually they did get out of hand” Becca continues, readying herself to make a concluding statement until frenzied shouting begins blaring through within the corridor. “What the hell is that!?” Holiday exclaims, noting the volume of the hassle being loud enough to come through the concrete walls with almost perfect sound. From their chairs, Arcnote and Holiday rush for the door and enter the corridor, following officers into Holland’s space. Once inside, the sights of something completely foreign to an officer’s home-soil is found, Arcnote and Holiday’s eyes bursting open as they survey the area. In his chair, still handcuffed to the table, Holland’s corpse rests with its head pointed towards the ceiling and its mouth ajar. All ten fingers, both eyeballs, and every last tooth removed from his body, the blood from the act remaining pooled and splattered all around the room. “What the fuck happened in here!?” Holiday shouts, a nearby officer stating that one of the new recruits was walking by and saw the scene from the window. “Where’s the lawyer?” Arcnote asks, a second officer asking if she means the suspect. “No one else went through this room” the original officer states “whoever that guy was, he was the one who did it.” “Everyone hold on!” a third officer shouts, pulling a folded piece of paper from Holland’s mouth. Unfolding it, the officer reads aloud eight words written in red marker. “Hot head, can’t trust to keep mouth shut” the officer reads, Arcnote being forced to step out of the room to throw up in whatever corner of the corridor she can reach first. “Just breath through it” Holiday says, rubbing the woman’s back as she fixes her hair. Within moments, Arcnote goes on the move again, returning to Becca’s room to find the girl having disappeared. “Where’d she go?” Arcnote asks, her question uttered between deep breaths as Holiday instinctively radios for the entire station to be on the lookout for a girl matching Becca’s description. Stood there, staring at the seat no longer occupied by the woman, Arcnote and Holiday begin wondering how a routine landing could’ve turned into a tailspin this quickly.
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